Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am Never Easy with the Rain

This gray-dripping day seeps
itself into the tight skin
of my heart,
muddying my daydreams like many
strokes of watercolor,
mixed, puddled--
a grayer rainbow on a plastic tray.

I sat at the computer this afternoon,
clicked on a photo my brother took
where you gasp
and you squeal
and squint
and laugh
where you're held
inside your grandma's smiling arms

a sprinkler flings droplets of water
like thin quick freckles on your skin

and carefree ecstasy
brushed brightly upon your face
I envy
these reminding moments you give my young brother
that your life is still sensuously enjoyed,
that you are pure, and still small--

that you are his.

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